Neural IT is HIPAA compliant and has efficient ISO 27001 Certification to ensure data privacy and security.

HIPAA Compliant Accreditations
Neural IT has successfully implemented HIPAA for securing Health records. The Certifying authority was SGS India Pvt. Ltd.

NSIC - CRISIL Accrediation
NSIC-CRISIL has assigned a "SE 2A" rating to Neural IT, indicating a company with High Performance and High Financial Strength. A commendable achievement indeed. View rating and validity on

GDPR Compliant
Neural IT is now GDPR compliant, which will ensure that all your data is secured and private.

Better Business Bureau
Neural IT has earned the highest rating from the BBB (Better Business Bureau) for delivering exceptional services.

ISO 27001 Certification
Neural IT is officially ISO 27001:2022 (ISO 27001) certified by Alcumus ISOQAR Limited as the Certifying Authority. This certification assures a worldwide standard guaranteeing that our services meet the best security standard.