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Informational Hearing Held Over Bard's Hernia Mesh Lawsuits

Informational Hearing Held Over Bard's Hernia Mesh Lawsuits

Informational Hearing Held Over Bard's Hernia Mesh Lawsuits


In a pretrial order issued on October 3, 2018, the U.S. District Court for Southern District of Ohio conducted a case information session regarding C.R. Bard's polypropylene hernia mesh lawsuits pending in the multidistrict litigation.

The topics covered included an introduction to the Bard hernia mesh products linked to the litigation, a summary of the litigation, an overview of the ongoing litigation, and certain medical and scientific issues linked to Bard's polypropylene hernia mesh products. The court indicated the session was non-adversarial in nature. Plaintiffs and defendants counsel members were allocated 45 minutes each to present their statements and were prohibited from calling on any witnesses.

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