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Sonoma County Appeals $1.9M Verdict Toward Injured Bicyclist

Sonoma County Appeals $1.9M Verdict Toward Injured Bicyclist


Sonoma County is appealing against a verdict of $1.9M awarded to a woman, who was severely injured in a rural, cratered road while riding her bicycle.

On July 10, 2016, the woman was riding her bicycle with a friend at the south of Sebastopol, near the Canfield Cemetery at Bloomfield and Canfield roads. While riding, she struck with a 4-foot by 3-foot pothole, landing hard on the asphalt. She suffered severe injuries to her head, face, teeth, and shoulder, including a concussion and brain damage. A lawsuit was filed against the county and officials connected to its Department of Transportation and Public Works, claiming medical expenses and time off of work.

She was awarded $1.85 million in December, along with another $200,000 for her medical bills. Sonoma County has appealed the jury’s verdict.

The county has paid nearly $8,000 in similar claims since 2013, and the sum could grow by nearly $2 million if the county loses its appeal.

The estate of a plaintiff was awarded $2.3 million from Lackawanna County Judge Terrence Nealon in a hit-and-run case.

The accident took place on August 28, 2016, when the defendant who was driving a  2003 Chevrolet Tahoe on South Main Avenue in the northern direction crossed over the southbound lane onto the western sidewalk, hitting the decedent's bicycle and dragging him ahead.

The lawyers for the plaintiff claimed that the defendant had consumed drugs, alcohol, and some other substances which made him incapable to drive a motor vehicle which resulted in the crash. The accident resulted in severe injuries for the plaintiff that eventually caused his death.

The driver was imprisoned at Lackawanna County Prison. Plaintiff's estate also sought to get insurance coverage from the defendant's insurer, CSAA General Insurance Co.; however, the company claimed it was not their duty to insure the defendants.


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