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The Fourth Xarelto Trial moved to Early 2018

Categories: General

Just when hopes were running high on the fourth Xarelto trial scheduled to begin this October in the US District Court ND Texas, we are informed that it has been postponed until early 2018. The verdicts for the three previous lawsuits went in…

Judge Fallon Denies New Bellwether Trials

Categories: General

Judge Fallon presiding over Xarelto MDL 2592 also denied a motion for new bellwether trials for the plaintiffs who had lost to the defendants in the first two bellwethers trials. The judge stood by his decisions stating that they were made on the…

Plavix Verdict Affects Pelvic Mesh Cases

Categories: General

A move made this September wherein the plaintiffs involved in the pelvic mesh related injury against Boston Scientific agreed for their cases to be heard in a courtroom other than the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas. This decision has its…

$150 million punitive charges on a TRT lawsuit

Categories: General

The very first bellwether trial for TRT lawsuits ended in a mistrial which involved a plaintiff whose allegation against AndroGel was that it caused his heart attack, thereby bringing a pause…

Risperdal, IVC Filters, Xarelto lawsuits

Categories: General

The number of cases filed for RisperdalIVC FiltersXarelto lawsuits is increasing as the days are passing, making them the fastest growing mass torts. The…

Daiichi Sankyo Offers $300 Million to Settle Benicar Lawsuits

Categories: General

The Plaintiffs of Benicar MDL 2606 have been offered a settlement amount of $300 million by Daiichi Sankyo. If a 95% agreement is reached at by all the claimants, the settlement procedure will be finalized for the 2,300 cases filed under the…

Risperdal Plaintiffs Allowed To Claim Punitive Damages

Categories: General

Defendants named in the Risperdal gynecomastia litigation, Johnson & Johnson, and its Janssen Pharmaceuticals subsidiary, will now have to compensate thousands of Risperdal…

The FDA Asks Bayer To Submit Problems Linked With Essure

Categories: General

Last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a letter to Bayer indicating requirements for submitting adverse event reports and postmarket activities associated with

MCL Status Requested For Abilify Cases Filed in New Jersey

Categories: General

A request has been put before the New Jersey Supreme Court by both parties of Abilify litigation for the creation of a Multicounty Litigation (MCL) to ensure that future…

An Appeal Submitted To Retain a $72 Million Talcum Verdict

Categories: General

The Johnson & Johnson’s Talcum powder case in which the verdict of $72 million was dismissed in October 2017 was put forth for an appeal by the family of the…

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